G2M Guest Application

Become a G2M Guest

Steps to Get Started:
Step 1: Watch the G2M Walk Through video
Step 2: Read through the Overview Document (this document)
Step 3: Apply to be a guest

About the show:
This is a 45 minute conversation about the first 10 steps you took to start generating revenue in your business.

Getting To Market (G2M) is a series of conversations with founders about the playbooks they followed or uncovered when they initially launched their business. It uncovers the playbooks to build a brand and start generating revenue as soon as possible.

Zooming out, it is an ecosystem designed by and for the startup community to help aspiring startup founders navigate the early stages of building a successful company. Through a series of candid interviews with experienced startup founders, we will explore the initial steps and playbooks for going from idea to market and gaining traction, and most importantly, the mistakes they made along the way. These conversations revolve around marketing, product, sales, and community building, with the goal of helping the community "crack the code" of bringing a product or service to market. Join us for real conversations with real founders and unlock the secrets to building a successful business!

Why Participate:
Weeks of content in less than 2 hours- Video, Audio, Blog, Carousels, and TW Threads

G2M Final Assets:
Youtube Show: ~40 minutes
2. Podcast: ~40 minutes
3. Blog Post
4. LI Post Announcement
5. TW Post Announcement
6. 2x TW Threads
7. 2x LI Carousels

Full Picture:
   1. Confirm Willingness:
        - Review G2M Guest Details & G2M Readiness Questions.
        - Fill out G2M Guest Application Form.
   2. Prepare for Show (~40 mins)
        - Quickly fill out G2M Readiness Application (~10 mins)
        - Meet to review G2M Readiness Framework (~20 mins)
        - Revise notes as necessary (~10 mins)
   3. Attend the Show (~60 mins)
        - Pre-attendance (~15 mins) - arrive before kickoff time
        - Show discussion (~45 minutes)
   4. Attend Retro Meeting: (~20 mins)
        - Quick conversation to reflect on the experience: what went well, what didn’t go well, suggestions for improvements

Introducing Digest. A Stylish Template
for Your Blog or Magazine

Remember, you must be able to make good on that promise, so don’t offer anything unreasonable. Consumers are inundated with ads, so it’s vital that your ad catches the eye and immediately grabs interest. You could do this with a headline or slogan (such as VW’s “Drivers Wanted” campaign), color or layout (Target’s new colorful, simple ads are a testimony to this) or illustration (such as the Red Bull characters or Zoloft’s depressed ball and his ladybug friend). Promises Credible Benefit: To feel compelled by an ad, the consumer must stand to gain something; the product is often not enough. What would the consumer gain by using your product or service? This could be tangible, like a free gift.

100% Responsive

A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action. There is no magic formula to write perfect ad copy; it is based on a number of factors, including ad placement, demographic, even the consumer’s mood when they see your ad. So how is any writer supposed to pen a stunning piece of advertising copy — copy that sizzles and sells? The following tips will jumpstart your creative thinking and help you write a better ad.

Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough; you have to keep that attention for at least a few seconds. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from the others.

Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action. There is no magic formula to write perfect ad copy.

Businesses often become known today through effective marketing. The marketing may be in the form of a regular news item or half column society news in the Sunday newspaper.

Carefully Crafted by Elastic Themes

The marketing may be in the form of a heart to heart talk with Mr. Brown on his prominent local television show. These are all advertising. Businesses cannot get away from the force of advertising. If they want to make their products known in the marketplace they have to use some form of advertisement.

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